Melanie Echanique



Mel found her first lagree class in 2013 while she was searching for a core-focused workout to complement her distance running. Assuming that Lagree was an offshoot of Pilates, Mel was completely blindsided by the intensely challenging, strength-based dynamics of Lagree. She decided to become a Lagree instructor in 2014, and has since become a full-time fitness coach with training in multiple modalities including HIIT, strength, TRX, indoor cycling, and functional fitness.

Mel has a motivating coaching style. You can expect her to always bring high energy to her classes along with a little sass and a lot of form adjustments. She loves to teach her clients how subtle shifts in body positioning and tempo can change the focus of a movement, and her personalized approach to working with form makes her popular among newcomers and long-time clients alike.